“My journey to visit the Taj Mahal, the symbol of love, is another proof of love. I had come to Bangalore for work, but I decided to visit in a weekend the Taj Mahal. So, the proof of love was to take a 2.5 hours flight and then a 5 hours travel by car to visit Taj Mahal! But this proof of love was made possible only because of all the arrangements done by Mystikal!
The trip was very very good and I recommend the same to all my friends! The trip to Delhi and Agra was fantastic!!! I loved every minute of it! If you ask me for a detailed feedback, here it is:
Driver ==> Very nice and polite.
Hotel in Agra ==> Very good! Better than what I had expected (as a 4 stars hotel). I had other colleagues who told me that they had stayed in a terrible hotel… so, I was happy that I didn’t have any such “surprise”.
Vineet (the guide in Agra) ==> Wonderful! Very very good! He knew the history of the place, he knew how to tell it, he knew how to communicate it, he was nice, polite. So, he was the best in the whole trip (of course, after Taj Mahal!) – I send regards to him!
Shailesh (owner of Mystikal) ==> He was simply superb! My interaction with him did not end after the trip. I ran into a problem due to some import tax issues when I asked a carpet shop in Agra to courier a carpet to me in Brazil. I had already paid for the carpet but could not take ownership of the carpet due to VAT issues. I did not have any other option but to contact Shailesh in India for help. He was very helpful and without his help, I would never have resolved this problem, sitting in another country, in another continent. Thanks so much, Shailesh! When I go to India again , for sure I’ll contact you!
Overall evaluation ==> The trip was very very good! I will recommend it to all friends who plan to visit India! I had earlier got good feedback about Mystikal from my friends in India and I can confidently say that they were correct.
Shukriya mere dost for all this great and unforgetable experience! Chalo then!!! “