Brian Tracy says you have to be a Lifelong Student – “The more you learn, the more you earn and the more self confidence you have”.
International Conference on Tourism Technology or ICTT as its called in short will be the 3rd event since its inception. This Tourism Technology event is a keenly awaited Digital event in the Social Media space for the tourism players.
The first ICTT event – ICTT 2013 was a Travel Technology event, held at the The Leela in Kovalam. The second event ICTT 2017, happened in Kochi in 2017 at the Le Meridien Hotel. Both events were packed to capacity, as it had the best of speakers from across the world and it was a well laid out programme.

ATTOI (Association of Tourism Trade Organizations, India) initiated ICTT to impart new skill sets for the trade partners – to empower the trade with knowledge and help them in using the new technology. Apart from catchy topics taken by renowned International and Indian speakers, workshops were held to learn through actual experience.
Need of the hour, changing technology, increasing competition, constantly changing business scenario – is making tourism business tougher. People who are able to adapt to the modern trends of changing business needs, will only be able to stay in the business. ICTT was introduced by ATTOI with the idea to bridge this gap and give back the trade “additional skillsets” to perform better in their respective tourism businesses.
It is very difficult for a normal businessman to rummage through the numerous softwares and technology changes that is being introduced back to back. Team ATTOI does this work and brings in the best of topics with expert speakers who can impart knowledge, inspire you, discuss new ideas and help you learn the tricks behind the technology. Like the past events, speakers with thorough knowledge and impressive tech backgrounds will speak at the ICTT 2019 on various subjects this year.
ATTOI’s idea of ICTT is to help hotels, resorts, homestays, houseboats and tour operators in understanding in how to market, sell and generate business online. 2 days would be insightful and is a must partcipate event in the Indian Travel Conference calender as there is no other travel event in India or even Internationally, which imparts knowledge in such a manner in the travel tech space. ICTT will be an enriching experience for the trade.
This year it will be held at Le Meridien Kochi on the 26th and 27th of September. this would be worthy investment of time and money for a better tomorrow for all the tourism partners. So it you havent already registered then you can do that by clicking this registraton link .
Be there and empower yourself.